30 Day Yoga Challenge

I have done yoga in the past but not consistently to where I’m any good so since its a new year I decided to try Adriene’s 30 day yoga challenge. This isn’t sponsored or anything but if you watch YouTube as much as me you’ve seen her channel on trending. Anyways I thought it would…

Motivational Quote of the Week #16

“I want to make even the most mundane of days feel unique because they are what make up the majority of our lives” – Ms. Hess I know that romanticizing life has become a trend in the last few years but I think it has a positive impact. Most of our lives aren’t filled with…

Trying to Find A Hobby

I realized that I don’t have a hobby. It’s crazy to think I have no interests, which is probably why I feel unfulfilled at times. I didn’t realize how important having a hobby was until I couldn’t explain any interests or hobbies I have outside of sleeping and scrolling on Tik Tok. My therapist told…

Motivational Quote of the Week #15

Motivational quotes of the week are back! It has been awhile and I feel these are times when they are needed the most. “Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.” Erma Bombeck This year we have all been more on edge with all that is…

Honest Week In Review

This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me and probably a lot of other people around the world. It has nothing to do with politics but just personal issues that seem to never get better. Its just one of those weeks lol. Earlier this week I was very down like depressed to the…

Difficulty Remaining Positive

Life right now feels like a dream. It doesn’t seem real at this point like its a simulation lol. Everyday seems to be getting worse and worse for humanity. Constantly being on social media and watching the news can reinforce these ideas. This is at least how I feel and my anxiety has not been…

Midweek Motivation

You got this! We all know there has been so much going on this year and it can seem overwhelming. We are dealing with Covid, fires, umemployment, and election year all at the same time. But remember that you have already been dealing with it and can make it through. Give yourself a break from…

Thoughts from a 2020 Graduate

Where to begin…. I recently graduated with my bachelors degree and have been reflecting on the last four years of undergraduate and also everything happening this year. It is not how I envisioned the last stretch of college to be but it is what it is. I don’t get a ceremony or to celebrate. It…

Motivational Quote of the Week #14

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Steve Jobs We often thing that the ideas and dreams we have are too big and ambitious but we are wrong. Never limit yourself because if you make anything happen. Believe in your crazy dream and make…

Motivational Quote of the Week #13

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” —Sam Levenson We often get caught up in having too little time for something and as a result hold off on it. It can be not enough hours in a day or not enough time off from work or not enough time to heal but…